On Monday, the ICC set its deadline for the nomination procedure of the candidates for ICC’s prestigious Chairman post, ending a three-month-long impasse on the nomination process. The process now will be overseen by an independent chairman of ICC’s Audit Committee. There is, however, no clarity yet on what would happen in terms of voting in the case of multiple candidates.
Once the election goes through, the candidates would require two-thirds of the 17 ICC Board members vote. After the candidate shows that he has the vote from approximately 11-12 members, he would be named as the Chairman, in early December.
In an absence of a Chairman, former chairholder Shashank Manohar’s deputy Imran Khawaja is working as the acting chairman, as confirmed by the ICC. However, there is no change in the process of nomination.
"The process, which is being overseen by the Independent Chairman of the ICC Audit Committee, has commenced and the first stage is for the nominations of potential candidates to be made by current Board Directors by 18 October 2020," ICC stated in a release.
"...the process for the election of its next Chairperson is underway and is expected to be concluded by early December," the ICC stated.
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