While Rohit Sharma was only named in the Test series, Kohli is slated to miss three Tests after the pink ball showdown in Adelaide. It has left a huge leadership gap in the Indian team, not to mention the huge batting behemoth both are for the Indian Cricket team. This has expectedly become a major point of discussion and adding fuel to the fire, reports have now emerged that Rohit Sharma will not be boarding a flight to Australia at all after reports confirmed the severity of his injury.
"Look, Rohit is obviously a tremendous white-ball player, he has proven that for a number of years now at the top of the order, so obviously it leaves a bit of hole," Smith said during a virtual press conference facilitated by Sony Network, reported TOI.
"But I guess the beauty with the Indian team is there are so many batters coming through, that are of high quality. You can look at someone like Mayank Agarwal in the IPL, just smashed, KL Rahul in the top order as well. There are plenty of options there for them. So look, you leave a hole no doubt, but quality players there to back him up," Smith explained.
Speaking on the absence of Virat Kohli for a major part of the Test series, Smith commented, “The same (like Rohit) I think with Virat and the Test squad. You know there are a number of players who can come in and do a good job. Virat is of obviously high quality, and we know how good he has been in all forms for a long period of times, so it is certainly going to leave a hole but I still do believe that they have got some quality batters waiting in the wings to fill that void."
The ODI series will kick-start the two-month long series between two cricketing powerhouses, with Sydney playing host to the first ODI of the tour on November 27.
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