Multiple questions have dogged up since BCCI announced the squad for the three-match Test series Down Under, starting from November. While the questions pertained over who the management would pick as their first-choice openers, given Prithvi Shaw’s pathetic form, reports have suggested that the Indian team could further be dealt with a big blow. As per the reports from PTI, Indian skipper and their pillar of strength, Virat Kohi might miss the last two Test matches in Sydney and Brisbane on paternity leave.
The Indian skipper is awaiting the birth of his first child, in the month of January. In the same reports, it was also suggested that in his absence, the Indian management is tempted to utilise the right-handed KL Rahul’s service in the middle-order, with the overload of the top-order batsmen in the setup. However, neither the BCCI nor Kohli has given any kind of update on the same till now.
"The BCCI has always believed that family is priority. In case, the skipper decides on availing paternity break, he will then be available only for the first two Test matches," the senior source said on conditions of anonymity.
However, the reports are contrasting to last week’s report, which suggested that the BCCI are allowing the players to bring in their families.
"Look, in normal times, he could have flown back for the birth of his first born, missed a Test and played the final one in Brisbane. However, if the 14-day quarantine is still in place, it will be difficult to go and come back again," the source added.
On the other hand, another questionable decision was Rohit Sharma’s temporary exclusion from the squad, after he suffered an injury to his hamstring. While the right-hander returned to action quite immediately, the reports suggested that the Mumbaikar would have to undergo strength and conditioning work under physio Nitin Patel and trainer Nick Webb, after which a decision would be made.
"A decision will be taken soon in this regard. It's only fair that Rohit stays with the team and does his strength and conditioning work under physio Nitin Patel and trainer Nick Webb. Let's see how it goes," the source added.
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