In the IPL Auction leading up to the 2020 edition of the IPL, Pat Cummins emerged as most expensive player, having been bought for a price of Rs 15.5 crore, which immediately put immense pressure on him for the Kolkata Knight Riders. In just his first game, the right-arm pacer gave away 49 runs without picking a wicket against the Mumbai Indians, and it made people question his value. However, the pacer has been on an upward curve since and against Royals in KKR’s last fixture, the pacer produced his best performance yet, picking up four wickets and conceding just 34 runs.
Following the 60-run victory against Rajasthan Royals, where he conceded as many as 19 runs in the first over, Cummins admitted in the post-match presentation that everything fell in place for him fortunately in the innings. The Australian accounted for Robin Uthappa, Ben Stokes, Steve Smith and Riyan Parag in a hell of a new-ball burst, which ultimately handed KKR the victory.
"A bit goes through your mind when you go for 19 off the first five balls. I guess the first two balls were not great, but as long as you go back to bowling your best ball it is okay. The best ball was top of off, maybe just outside off. There was a bit in the wicket. In T20, you can bowl well and got for a plenty. On other days, wickets can come when you are not at your best. Fortunately today everything falls in place," Cummins said at the post match presentation.
On the other hand, the bowler himself admitted that he put a lot of pressure on his own self, after the first game. The speedster revealed that he tried to right his wrongs by watching other games and observing how the other great bowlers went about their business.
“Earlier I put a lot of pressure on myself after that first game when I didn't bowl well. The longer the tournament has gone I have bowled better and better. The great thing about IPL is there are so many other games on and so many great bowlers on display so there is a lot to learn from."
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