The tale of Suresh Raina and MS Dhoni’s friendship has been a widely acknowledged one, with the southpaw crediting the former Indian skipper for his transformation as a player. Raina played most of his international and IPL cricket under Dhoni, which added a trust factor. But Yuvraj Singh, last month, alleged that Raina was favoured by Dhoni, which limited his chances. Instead of refuting it, Raina admitted that it was true but that was backed by his talent.
“I would say MS definitely supported me, he supported me because he knew I have talent, I’ve done it for him, CSK and Team India, whenever he supported me. The best part about him is that he will tell you after two games, ‘If you don’t score, I’ve to take a big step.’ I said just give me one or two games, I will make sure not to repeat mistakes,” Raina said while speaking to Fancode.
After a few hazy years in international cricket, where his chances to prove his credentials were limited, Raina, as a matter of fact, delivered big-time after Dhoni became Indian captain. Raina was forever grateful to Dhoni for giving him the chances he deserved which saw him being a World Cup winner in 2011.
” I am thankful to MS because he’s always been my great admirer and he always knew what sort of talent I have. I think it’s all destiny. He’s the greatest captain we had after Dada, so I think we should really enjoy things when we play the World Cup. God has been kind in all difficult situations, it’s difficult to say now that I got less or more chances, I am happy that I was part of that WC, he supported me, I delivered, so I think I can’t ask for more,” he further said.
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