Earlier in the week, Rohit Sharma made an interesting claim that his fellow opener, Dhawan does not like to face the new ball upfront. The Indian vice-captain revealed that during the 2013 Champions Trophy encounter, the southpaw forced the Mumbaikar to take the strike. However, the Delhi opener has refuted all the claims by revealing that he does not have any problem facing the new ball. He also added that it’s just a mental thing for the southpaw to not take the strike first ball.
"No, no I disagree to that. It's not like I don't want to face fast bowlers. Everyone has their views, I am an opening batsman. I have done that role for India for eight years now, so obviously I play the fast bowlers," Dhawan said on an Instagram live session with Irfan Pathan, reported TOI.
However, Dhawan revealed that if the non-striker does have an issue taking the strike, the left-hander naturally takes over the charge. He also recalled an incident when he was batting with Prithvi Shaw and the youngster wanted the veteran to take the strike.
"Yes, I do not like taking strike on the first ball of the match and I am honest about it but if any youngster like Prithvi (Shaw) comes in the side and he is not comfortable taking the first ball then obviously I would take the strike. But with Rohit, it started in Champions Trophy where I told him to take the strike and that sort of continued as I don't like to change things much," the left-handed batsman concluded.
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