Amidst all the hush-push of the bad blood between Harbhajan Singh and Ravichandran Ashwin, the duo got together on an Instagram live. While they talked about the Chennai Test between India and Australia, the attention was towards how Harbhajan highly lauded Ashwin for his wicket-taking ability. Moreso, the former off-spinner called the Chennai offie as the best spinner in the world ahead of Australia’s Nathan Lyon.
"A lot of people would say that there is a lot of jealousy between us. But I would want to call out to those detractors and say there is nothing like that. Ashwin is the best offie in the world right now. I also rate Nathan Lyon highly,” Harbhajan said, reported TOI.
Both Ashwin and Lyon made their debut in 2011 and went on to become the top-two off-spinners in the world. While the Chennai spinner has been helped with some assistance from the pitches in the sub-continent, the Australian has performed beyond expectations on the pitches that are starkly different from the sub-continent.
Despite that, Lyon has a better wickets column than the Indian spinner, with 390 wickets against Ashwin’s 365. However, beyond that, Harbhajan reckoned that the 33-year-old Ashwin is on track to becoming one of the highest wicket-takers in the world with the ability to pick more wickets.
"The Aussie (offie) is also up there because he has done extremely well for himself given the fact that he comes from Australia where the pitches hardly aid spinners. But Ashwin is a legend in the making. Going forward, I only want him to stay fit because he is capable of taking a lot more wickets and could finish among the highest wicket-takers in the world," Harbhajan signed off.
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