Indian cricket team vice-captain Rohit Sharma has become the latest cricketer to come forward and do his part in order to help the country combat the pandemic that is Covid-19. Rohit, the skipper of the Mumbai Indians franchise in the IPL, revealed on Tuesday that he has donated a total of Rs 80 lakh to various organizations and funds to do his bit to ensure that the nation is well-prepared to fend off the Covid-19 threat.
Of the 80 lakh donated, Rohit revealed that he had donated 45 lakh to the PM CARES fund, 25 lakh to the Maharashtra CM Relief Fund, 5 lakh to Zomato’s ‘Feeding India’ campaign and another 5 lakh to Welfare of Stray Dogs (WSD).
“We need our country back on feet & the onus is on us. I’ve done my bit to donate 45lakhs to #PMCaresFunds, 25lakhs to #CMReliefFund Maharashtra, 5lakhs to @FeedingIndia and 5lakhs to #WelfareOfStrayDogs.Let’s get behind our leaders and support them @narendramodi @CMOMaharashtra,” Rohit tweeted on Tuesday.
A plethora of other Indian cricketers, including Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, Suresh Raina, Ajinkya Rahane, Pathan brothers, Richa Ghosh and Gautam Gambhir have already pledged their support in one form or another to help the country overcome the deadly virus.
The contagious virus, as per the live numbers, has affected more than 750,000 people in the world and has resulted in the death of over 37,000 others. With 248 cases, Maharashtra is currently the epicentre of the pandemic in India, and a total of 1400 cases have been reported in the country, as of Tuesday.
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