The Indian cricket board (BCCI) is already facing the heat from many quarters for going ahead with the IPL as the virus claims more victims around the world by the day. As the locals rushed to throng the practice area to watch the Indian team train on Tuesday afternoon, the virus and possibility of rain on match day dominated the murmurs. A senior BCCI official said that team India is well aware and educated about the dos and don'ts.
"The Indian team was given a briefing about the coronavirus when they were in New Zealand a couple of weeks ago. They are aware of the dos and don'ts," said a senior BCCI official, reported Times Of India.
The South African camp has decided to strictly stick to its itinerary which includes curbs on the number practice sessions, media interactions and negligible public interactions. The visitors didn't come out for a hit in the nets on Tuesday. The Indian team, however, looks more relaxed and at ease with the situation. There was the usual camaraderie amongst the boys and hardly any hesitance in shaking hands with people, something that the medical experts have advised to refrain from.
However, the government agencies here have directed the Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association (HPCA) to take all necessary steps to ensure there is no outbreak in the hill station. The tourism industry, the lifeline of the economy here, has already taken a hit with stringent restrictions put in place.
The hotels have been sent advisories from HPCA and government about the need to check the background and travel history of their guests coming in for the match. An HPCA source said there has been no case of coronavirus in Dharamsala. It's up to them that it remains that way. The medical facilities are not strong enough there to deal with an outbreak.
The HPCA, on its part, has put up huge innovative billboards around the area that suggest the precautions that need to be taken. The boards also talk about the dos and don'ts while requesting the public to not panic. An HPCA official said the chief medical officer is personally screening people coming in through the airport.
"The chief medical officer is personally screening people coming in through the airport. At the stadium, we have got 10 doctors manning the entry points. There are laser thermometers to screen all the spectators. There will be masks and all amenities required for precaution will be available besides the usual medical facilities like ambulance," the source added.
Further, South Africa will play three ODI'S in India starting on March 12 in Dharamsala.
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