MSK Prasad's term as BCCI's chief selector ended after CAC named former India spinner Sunil Joshi as his replacement. In his four-year term, India won their first ever Test series in Australia, but a bigger contribution was creating a robust supply line of India A players. MSK Prasad, who had played 6 Tests and 17 ODIs for India, stayed a lot in the news during his stint as the chairman of the BCCI selection committee.
The former selector revealed that he was pleased with the successful transition from Dhoni to Kohli and stated that team India reaching the helm of the rankings in all three formats was the most satisfying moment of his tenure.
"I personally feel that my colleagues and I can take pride in the fact that we have successfully seen the transition period from MSD to Virat very well. Once Mahi completed his stint, we had to look at somebody who could step into those shoes. We wanted to see that happening smoothly. Once Virat took over, we reached the No. 1 ranking across all three formats. That's the biggest satisfaction I got," said MSK Prasad, reported IndiaToday.
Prasad's selection committee attracted some criticism for their handling of MS Dhoni's future post-semi-final defeat in World Cup 2019. But the 44-year-old expressed that Dhoni is clear about his future and the wicket-keeper expressed the same to Prasad and the team management.
"MS is clear about his future which he expressed to me and the team management. I cannot disclose details as it is confidential. It's best that whatever discussed and shared between us [selection committee and the team management] remains there. It's an unwritten code," said Prasad.
Many former cricketers pointed out that India lost the World Cup due to the lack of a proper No.4 batsman in the team, but the former selector begs to differ and believes that the No.4 fiasco had nothing to do with India crashing out of the World Cup.
"I don't really see that the position of No. 4 as the reason for not winning the World Cup. If you have topped the table prior to the semi-final, that speaks volumes of the team. So, one cannot say that because of the No. 4 position [we lost the World Cup]," expressed Prasad.
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