Seasoned leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal, who made his international debut in 2016, has become a mainstay in Team India’s limited-overs setup. In 52 ODIs that he has played for India, Chahal has bagged 91 wickets. However, the bowler himself took to Instagram on Friday to post a video of one special wicket in his career. Chahal uploaded a video of him dismissing Martin Guptill, via a stunning delivery, and tagged it as “#specialone”.
India visited New Zealand, earlier this year, for a full-fledged series and after winning the T20I series, had lost the ODIs and Tests. In the third ODI, though, Chahal had produced a brilliant piece of bowling when he dismissed dangerman Guptill. The opener was batting on 66 and Chahal had come in to bowl his second over and in the 3rd delivery of that over bowled a superb delivery.
It was a good length delivery, more tossed up than the previous one that Guptill was able to defend, and the batsman stretched to defend again but the ball drifted in towards leg stump and turned away from Guptill to hit the top of the stump. The well set New Zealand opener had to walk back to the pavilion as he was dismissed for 66 off 46.
Seeing the video posted by Chahal, Guptill commented- “Well bowled sir”, to which Chahal replied with- “thank you sir”.
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