After wreaking havoc in Indian cricket through his strategy of filing ‘Conflict of Interest’ complaints against multiple former and present Indian cricketers, Sanjeev Gupta’s run as a life member in the Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association (MPCA) came to an end, on Saturday, after he officially handed in his resignation. Gupta’s resignation comes on the back of complaints filed by two other life members of the MPCA, Prasoon Kanmadikar and Dilip Chudgar.
"We've received Mr Sanjeev Gupta's resignation and we will take the needful steps to complete the formalities, respecting Mr Gupta's wishes,” Cricbuzz quoted MPCA CEO Rohit Pandit as saying.
Last week, Gupta filed a Conflict of Interest case against incumbent Indian skipper Virat Kohli and it was less than a year ago that the now-ex MPCA member also raised CoI issues against the likes of Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, Rahul Dravid and Kapil Dev. In the complaint against Gupta, Kanmadikar and Chudgar alleged that the former MPCA life member brought disrepute to the association and requested for his expulsion as a life member from the association. Following the complaint, Gupta is said to have voluntarily handed in his resignation.
"Mr. Sanjeev Gupta is in violation of Rule 6 of the 'Code of Conduct' of MPCA, by using his association with MPCA as that being a 'Life Member' in his various email/complaint to the BCCI Ethics Officer and other communication to BCCI and others, thereby causing ridicule and embarrassment to the Association and its members and causing disrepute to the Association and its Office Bearers and in turn the Members of the Association. His acts are detrimental to the interest of MPCA.
"Prayer - That, Mr. Sanjeev Gupta be expelled from being a life member of MPCA for causing perpetual disrepute to Association and other members of the Association,” the complaint read, reported Cricbuzz.
Kanmadikar, meanwhile, opined that Gupta’s resignation was a ‘way out’ for him.
"Perhaps he has realised finally that his acts and actions were not in the interests of MPCA, BCCI & Indian Cricket at large which could have perhaps attracted penal provisions that could have been more embarrassing for him. So resignation was a way out for him, is what I can read from his act."
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