With the series tied at 1-1, India locked horns with Australia in the fourth Test at Dharamsala in 2017. However, on the eve of the Test, India were dealt with the unfortunate news of Indian skipper Virat Kohli missing out of the fourth Test due to a shoulder niggle. In his absence, Ajinkya Rahane was named as the skipper for the decider, which also incidentally was the debut of Kuldeep Yadav.
Reflecting back on the successful test, Ajinkya Rahane admitted that leading the side in 2017 against the strong opposition was pretty special. Rahane, who was the vice-captain of the Indian Test side, could only muster up 198 runs in that series, at an average of 33. However, when it came down to his leadership, it was top-notch in the fourth Test, including his decision to bring on Yadav soon after the lunch break to dismiss David Warner.
“Leading India was pretty special for me, particularly in that Test match, which was a crucial one (against Australia in 2017). I had never thought that I would be captaining the team. I was told that I’ll be informed on the eve of the match, maybe because of Virat’s fitness tests, if I’ll be leading the team in the next match,” Rahane said in the latest episode of former India cricketer Deep Dasgupta’s chat show Cricketbaazi on ESPNCricinfo.
He admitted that the decision was taken by both Virat Kohli and then Indian coach Anil Kumble, who informed him about the change of plan on the eve of Dharmasala Test. Since then Rahane has led the side against Afghanistan when Kohli was rested for the one-off Test match. In the first innings of the fourth Test, it was Rahane’s 46 alongside the late efforts from Ravindra Jadeja which propelled India to a high-scoring total of 332, eventually helping India win by eight wickets.
“So I had no idea if I’ll be the captain in the next match. But then Virat informed that you’ll be leading because I’m not fit enough. Anil bhai was the coach then and he also told me that Virat can’t play so you’ll lead,” Rahane added.
“That moment was very special for me and I couldn’t believe that I would be leading the side. And the series was 1-1 then and to go and win it 2-1, in your first match as a captain was really special for me,” Rahane said.
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