Outgoing ICC Chairman Shashank Manohar first took over the office in 2015 after his predecessor N Srinivasan was removed from office, a decision that was taken at the BCCI's 86th AGM. Manohar twice served as the President of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), from 2008 to 2011, and from November 2015 to May 2016. Following that, Manohar succeeded N Srinivasan, as the chairman of the ICC from November 2015 to March 2017. On 24 March 2017, he was reinstated as the chairman until a successor was elected.
As a third term was denied to him, Manohar stepped down as Chairman and now former BCCI secretary Niranjan Shah questioned the former BCCI President for the kind ‘of damage’ he caused on Indian cricket. The BCCI had been in a tiff with Manohar over the ‘Big Three’ model that the latter dismantled in his time with the ICC.
“Shashankji must be having mixed feelings from what could have been done for the promotion of cricket at international level and what was done to cricket in India during his tenure,” Shah told PTI.
“In the relaxed phase now he may evaluate his tenure as Chairman of ICC and also as of BCCI that has been the platform. He may appraise what damage was done to Indian Cricket and BCCI during his tenure,” he added.
Further on, the former BCCI secretary added that he believes that under the present BCCI administration, it will have a strong, beneficial and constructive representation at the ICC.
“BCCI went through much turmoil in last couple of years. And ICC during these years took undue advantage to damage cricket of India and BCCI in all possible manner. However, I am fully confident that present strong and worthy leaderships of BCCI shall have strong, beneficial and constructive representation and initiatives at ICC,” added Shah.
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