Besides Nair, Karnataka will also gain back the services of Krisnappa Gowtham as the off-spinner has recovered from his injury. The newly-married skipper, who missed out the previous game, was seen training on Sunday along with his teammates at the Karnail Singh Stadium. The game against Railways, starting Monday, would be a crucial one as the away team would be fighting a spot in the top-five to make it to the knockouts.
After winning both the limited-overs format -Syed Mushtaq Ali and Vijay Hazare titles- Karnataka has struggled in the longer format this season. But now with the mainstays back, they have got back some hope and Nair wants to make the best out of it.
“Every batsman wants to score and do something exceptional. It’s just a matter of time and believing in yourself and getting it done once or twice. It’s all about clicking in one game. Once that happens, others will also start believing in you and in themselves and you will see things flowing forward,” Nair told Sportstar.
Karnataka are placed at the 7th position, with 17 points and with a game in hand, will be battling it out with the Railways, in Delhi. A win would then push their chances of making it to the knockout stages, with Karnataka set to play their next two games at home.
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