Kalra first came into the spotlight among Indian fans after his match-winning hundred in U-19 World Cup final in 2018. The next time was when Justice (Retired) Badr Durrez Ahmed, former Ombudsman for the DDCA, had handed the 21-year-old batsman a year’s ban for age fudging at the junior level. However, his advocate Naveen Raheja has clarified that as per the new order from Verma, the youngster was free to represent his state once again.
“The order has been modified and the Ombudsman noted that Kalra was singled out even though there were other players also who were levelled with similar allegations. Only Kalra was handed the ban and there was another player whose father had apologised and even that player was allowed to play, but Kalra was banned,” Raheja told IANS.
“The Ombudsman also felt that the enquiry was without jurisdiction in the sense that as per rules the Apex Council shall make the preliminary enquiry and forward it to the CEO. So, that process will be followed. Till further orders, he can play,” Raheja added.
In the order from the Ombudsman, Verma notes that Kalra deserves to represent his state in the U23 category until a further undertaking from the player can be produced. The order also mentions that DDCA director Sanjay Bhardwaj had requested for Kalra to be allowed to play. Earlier in the season, Kalra was set to replace Shikhar Dhawan in the Ranji squad for Delhi before the bad news hit the left-hander.
“In view of facts and circumstances of the case, it is a fit case where the order dated 16.12.2019 deserves to be modified to the extent that without furnishing any undertaking by Mr Manjot Kalra, he shall be allowed to participate for and behalf of Delhi in the Ranji Trophy and all other Open Age Category matches, until further orders,” the order said.
“At this stage, Mr Sanjay Bhardwaj, Director (Cricket of DDCA requested) that he should also be permitted to play in the matches for category, under age 23. I, therefore, direct DDCA to allow Mr Manjot Kalra to play in the matches for category under age 23 also, obviously if he is selected,” the order added.
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