With India vying for a record fifth U19 World Cup title, this time under the leadership of Priyam Garg, wishes have been pouring in from every corner. Having gone down the same path successfully, Chand offered some important advice for the 15-member squad in his column for The Indian Express.
"The Under-19 World Cup is the pinnacle of age-group cricket and it is significant, perhaps more than playing for the senior team, for an aspiring cricketer. You are the chosen few and I am sure the best 15 in the country," Chand wrote for the Indian Express.
"It’s an early exposure so do not let it take control over you. Be aware, there would be distractions. The smarter you are, the healthier your choices would be. It’s an age where you want to try out new things. Be careful of your choices. If cricket is the priority, then you would end up taking the right decisions,” he warned.
While many who have tasted U19 success went on to be successful at the international level, there are a few, like Chand himself, who could not make the transformation from the grade cricket to senior level. Given his recent poor form, Chand is even struggling to be a part of the state team as well, and has told the next batch to ‘keep grinding’.
"The life ahead is going to be a puzzle. Be geared up for it. You will soon enter into the Men’s world’. Some might play for the country, some won’t. But keep grinding. Life can surprise you in many ways you can’t even imagine,” Chand added.
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