Tamil Nadu have been handed a major boost ahead of their next clash versus Mumbai, with stalwarts Dinesh Karthik and Ravichandran Ashwin both named in the side's 15-man squad for their next two Ranji Trophy encounters. Karthik, who scored a century in the first game of the season against Karnataka, missed the next three games owing to an injury, while Ashwin was rested for the team's last two games citing workload management.
Opener Abhinav Mukund, who missed the side's last two clashes due to personal reasons, also makes a comeback to the team, while veteran opener Murali Vijay continues to warm the bench. Vijay Shankar, who made a comeback to the side in the game against Uttar Pradesh after successfully recovering from an injury, will continue to lead the side, while the usual suspects - Baba Aparajith, Kaushik Gandhi, R Sai Kishore, M Siddharth, T Natarajan and N Jagadeesan - complete the 15-man squad.
The 2019-20 season, thus far, has been an injury-plagued one for the Shankar-led team, who have seen senior players miss out on multiple matches owing to injury. They are also winless from their first four games of the season, having lost two and drawn two matches. The comeback of senior players, however, will provide the side a major boost ahead of their next two clashes against Mumbai (January 11) and Railways (January 19), both at the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai.
Squad: Vijay Shankar (Captain), Abhinav Mukund, Ganga Sridhar Raju, Suryap Prakash, Kaushik Gandhi, B Aparajith, Dinesh Karthik, R Ashwin, R Sai Kishore, M Siddharth, T Natarajan, N Jagadeesan, K Vignesh, K Mukunth, Pradosh Ranjan Paul.
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