BCCI President Sourav Ganguly, on Friday, finally cleared the air on the ongoing Asia Cup fiasco, confirming that the 2020 edition of the tournament will be held in Dubai, with both India and Pakistan set to feature in it. The announcement comes four days before the Asian Cricket Council meeting, which is supposed to be held on March 3.
"Asia Cup will be held in Dubai and both India and Pakistan will play," Ganguly told reporters at the Eden Gardens on Friday, reported Cricbuzz.
The saga, which has stretched for well over a year, has seen several twists and turns. India initially threatened to pull out of the tournament after refusing to travel to Pakistan, who were the designated hosts for the tournament. However, PCB CEO Wasim Khan then rebutted with a threat of his own, claiming that Pakistan might pull out of the World T20 in 2021 that is scheduled to be in India should the latter refuse to participate in this year’s Asia Cup.
Amidst ongoing political turmoil between both countries, BCCI, however, have always maintained that they do not have any problem in partaking in the Asia Cup should the tournament be held in a neutral venue.
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