Outgoing chief selector MSK Prasad looked convinced and satisfied after watching the trio of Hardik Pandya, Shikhar Dhawan and Bhuvneshwar Kumar sweat it out in DY Patil T20 Cup in Navi Mumbai. Previously, opener Shikhar Dhawan, who sustained a shoulder injury during the series against Australia and pacer Bhuvneshwar Kumar, who underwent a surgery for sports hernia, played for Reliance 1 in the match against Bank of Baroda.
The duo played their first game after their respective injuries. Pandya suffered an acute lower back injury five months ago and underwent a surgery in London, following which he has been rehabilitating at the National Cricket Academy in Bengaluru.
"It was good to see Hardik and Bhuvi streaming in to bowl. All three look to be in good shape, and I'm happy about that," said Prasad as quoted by Times of India.
Talking about performance during the match, Shikar Dhawan smoked 14 runs but the way he smashed a six and a four showed his shoulder was now back in top shape. For Bhubaneswar, the pacer bowed three overs for 14 runs, without taking a wicket.
But the star of the day was Hardik Pandya who smashed four sixes in a 25-ball cameo of 38. He ran swiftly between the wickets, and looked quick with the ball with which he took three wickets for 26 runs in 3.4 overs - the second one with a vicious bouncer.
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