Yesterday, PTI quoted a BCCI official saying that Virat Kohli, Mohammed Shami, Shikhar Dhawan and Kuldeep Yadav will feature in the fixture between Asia XI and World XI, to be played in Dhaka in March to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. However, BCCI President Sourav Ganguly refuted the claims by saying they are still in talks with the Bangladesh Cricket Board over finalising the names of the players that would be available for the all-star game. However, he added that there would be five Indian players who would be featuring in the encounter.
“We are seeing the availability of the players and based on that we will finalise the names. The talk is still on,” Ganguly told Sportstar while adding that a total of five players could be available for the two T20 exhibition matches will be played at the Sher-e-Bangla Stadium in Mirpur on March 18 and 21. Both the matches will have international status.
In the meeting, Ganguly further clarified that the Cricket Advisory Committee, comprising Madan Lal, Shubhangi Kulkarni and RP Singh, will meet in the next few days to decide on appointing the selectors for the senior and junior panels which will be followed by the selection of the women's selection committee.
“The women’s selection committee will be picked by the office-bearers and we will begin the process soon,” the BCCI chief concluded.
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