Team India had also shown resistance to playing with the pink ball until the BCCI, under Ganguly, took the initiative to set up their maiden day-night Test against Bangladesh at Eden Gardens in November. Several reports had recently claimed that India had agreed to play a Day-Night Test during the much-awaited series Down Under and finally, it has been made official.
The BCCI’s apex council meeting on Sunday resulted in the decision regarding the Australia tour and one for England’s visit next February. Ganguly, who took office in November last year, has confirmed that Day-Night affairs will be a regular feature ahead in Indian cricket.
"A formal announcement will come soon but we have decided to play a day-night Test in Australia. We will also play one against England at home next February. Day-night Tests will be a regular feature from now on," Ganguly told TOI after the meeting.
The venue for India's first overseas pink Test, during the four-match tour of Australia, is yet to be finalized, with Brisbane and Adelaide being the options considered.
"It will have to be seen if the team will be comfortable playing the opening Test of the series or is willing to break the rhythm in the middle of the series," senior BCCI official said.
Earlier reports had suggested that the revamped Motera stadium in Ahmedabad will most likely host the day-night Test at home against England next year.
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