In what comes as a huge boost for team India ahead of their two-Test series against New Zealand, seasoned pacer Ishant Sharma has reportedly cleared a fitness test at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru. Ishant, who hurt his ankle in a Ranji Trophy match against Vidarbha playing for Delhi last month, was included in the 16-man squad, but his participation was only subject to him clearing a fitness test. The 31-year-old is now expected to join with the rest of the squad, who are currently playing a warm-up match against New Zealand XI in Hamilton.
"Yes, he has passed the fitness test and will join the Indian team for the Test series in New Zealand," a source in the know told IANS.
The pacer, who has been in impeccable form in red-ball cricket over the course of the last 18 months, was initially expected to miss the New Zealand Tests after suffering a Grade 3 tear on his right ankle. The news of him regaining his fitness comes as a massive boost for Virat Kohli’s men, who also named rookie pacer Navdeep Saini in the Test squad as a precautionary back-up for Ishant.
Incidentally, the pacer, too, tweeted about his fitness and reaffirmed the fact that he was fit and raring to go.
It was a roller coaster ride for me after the injury on my ankle on the 20th January but with the help of Ashish Kaushik I managed to pull it off! Scans were a little scary, but today I am happy that I am fit ! 🏏 Thanks Ashish Kaushik!
— Ishant Sharma (@ImIshant)
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