Three months after the unravelling of the KPL match-fixing saga, which saw multiple owners and players being arrested, Bengaluru police, on Friday, confirmed that a fresh charge sheet has been filed against a total of sixteen people, including cricketers CM Gautam and Abrar Kazi, who were earlier arrested in November.
Additional Commissioner of Police Sandeep Patil, on Friday, said that a charge sheet has been filed in three different cases at the Cubbon Park Police Station, JP Nagar Police Station and the Bharatinagar Police Station. While the charge sheet at the Cubbon Park Police Station was against six people - team owners of Belagavi Panthers (Ali Asfaq Thara) and Ballari Tuskers (Arvind Reddy), KCSA management committee member Sudhindra Shinde, two cricketers CM Gautham and Abrar Kazi and bookie Amit Mavi - the complaint at the JP Nagar Police Station was filed by Bellary Tuskers' player Bhavesh Gulecha against drummer Bhavesh Bafna and bookies Sayyam, Jatin Sethi and Harish. The third case at the Bharatinagar Police Station was filed against six accused, all of whose names are yet to be revealed.
"In all the above cases, only preliminary charge sheet is filed and further investigation will continue," said Patil, as reported by Times of India.
It is believed that the case came to the limelight after Gulecha, who featured for the Bellary Tuskers in 9 matches in the 2019 season, lodged a complaint. Earlier, in November 2019, the duo of CM Gautam and Abrar Kazi were arrested by the Bengaluru police before being granted bail a month later in December.
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