On Wednesday, Cricket Association of Bengal’s newly elected president Avishek Dalmiya announced that BCCI’s president and former president of CAB, Sourav Ganguly will deliver the lecture at Jagmohan Dalmiya Annual Conclave in March. The event will be held on the eve of India’s clash against South Africa in the ODI series, which is scheduled on March 18.
In the past, the Dalmiya lecture has been delivered by Graeme Smith, Kapil Dev, Thilanga Sumathipala and Mohammed Azharuddin, with Smith being the latest of the lot. Avishek expressed his delight over the presence of the former CAB president Sourav Ganguly.
“We are extremely happy to announce that BCCI president, Sourav Ganguly has kindly agreed to deliver the lecture at the Jagmohan Dalmiya Annual Conclave,” Avishek said.
Alongside that, Avishek also disclosed that the ‘world-class’ indoor facilities would be ready to be inaugurated on the sidelines of the ODI series. The talks of the facilities being ready to be revealed have been going on for some time now, and Avishek confirmed that it will be ready by the time the series begins.
“We want to make the indoor facility functional at the earliest. We have given a 40-45 days’ deadline. We want to inaugurate in the month of March,” he concluded.
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