Following Virat Kohli’s return to India, there were a lot of questions and doubts raised over the Indian batting order, led by Ajinkya Rahane. While Rahane’s captaincy has got India over the line, it has relatively been at home, which once again pointed the finger at the Mumbaikar after India’s trashing loss. However, on day 1 and 2 of the second Test at the iconic venue, Rahane put his doubters off the grid, with a performance filled with pride, grit and extreme confidence.
While he received appreciation from all corners, former Australian all-rounder Tom Moody stated that Rahane on Day 2 of the Test looked calm, composed and showed leadership, to put India in a firm position going into the last three days of the Test. He also insisted that Rahane’s actions were clear and loud - that he would grind through the rough period and take India to a comfortable position.
“But to me, did it look like it (he was under pressure)? It certainly didn’t. He looked composed, he looked in control, and he showed what leadership is about. Leadership is about actions, and his action was very much one of head down ‘I’m grinding this out. I’m going to show you discipline, some maturity some class along the way and allow my innings to unfold and blossom for you all to enjoy,” Moody said on ESPNCricinfo.
While Rahane walked in relatively early in the innings, the pressure had reached critical levels for the Indian innings especially after their shambolic performance in the second innings of the first Test, where they were bowled out for just 36 runs. However, Moody credited Rahane and revealed that he eased the pressure for the rest of the team with his knock.
“For me, when he came in, the score was 61, I think. Soon after his arrival, another wicket fell. So India with 63/3 I think it was, with all the pressure that was build up for this Test match... in the absence of Virat Kohli, one of the best players in the world and also the captain of this side, after his disastrous performance in Adelaide, you can’t imagine the pressure that he was under,” Moody added.
Despite bailing India out of trouble, Rahane’s knock consisted of the usual shots and attitude that we see from him - calm, certain and confident. The Australian also compared Rahane’s celebration to the Kiwi skipper Kane Williamson, who shows similar emotions after reaching the three-figure mark.
“And to me the way he acknowledged his hundred was the most special part of that innings – so understated. A similar player across the Tasman Kane Williamson acknowledged the hundred against Pakistan, a very similar modest fashion. And I just love watching players like this... understated. Everyone knows they’ve climbed the Everest but they’re content nodding their heads and raising their bat,” the former all-rounder pointed out.
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