Former Indian cricketer Suresh Raina has issued an official apology for his callousness last night, which subsequently led to the Mumbai police arresting him alongside 33 others. In the early hours of Tuesday morning, Raina was arrested by the Mumbai police in a club near the Mumbai Airport for flouting Covid norms, after which he was later - almost immediately - released on bail. Now, hours after the embarrassing incident, the management of the former India star have issued an apology on his behalf, claiming that the 34-year-old was ‘unaware’ of the timings and protocols.
"Suresh was in Mumbai for a shoot which extended to late hours and was invited by a friend for a quick dinner post the same prior to him taking his flight back to Delhi. He was not aware of the local timings and protocols," read an official statement from Raina’s camp, reported India Today.
"Once pointed out, he immediately complied with the procedures laid out by the authorities and regrets the unfortunate and unintentional incident. He always holds rules and laws laid down by governing bodies with the highest regard and will continue to do so in the future as well."
The Mumbai police had earlier revealed that Raina, along with 33 others, was arrested under Sections 188 (disobedience to order duty promulgated by public servant) and 269 (acts in a way that could spread an infection) among others. The CSK batsman, however, was let go immediately owing to the offence being bailable.
Raina is currently vying to represent Uttar Pradesh in the forthcoming Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy, which will commence next month.
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