Mumbai Indians capped off the 2020 edition of IPL with a massive victory over Delhi Capitals, in what was a season dominated by the batting duo of Suryakumar Yadav and Ishan Kishan. While Suryakumar lit up the IPL in the early half, with 480 runs to his name, the left-handed Kishan outleaped the right-hander with 516 runs in the season, all coming at an average of 57.33 and 40 respectively.
While they narrowly missed out an opportunity to play in Indian colours for the series against Australia, former Indian opener Aakash Chopra believes that the duo will get their chances against England in the long home T20I season. With a host of stars missing out, owing to injuries, Chopra reveals that there could be a possibility for the two to make it to cut.
“So both Suryakumar Yadav and Ishan Kishan are knocking the doors and considering the number of our players that are getting injured, I feel they might even get to play against England,” Chopra said on a video uploaded on his Facebook account, reported HT.
Alongside that, the former KKR player also reckoned that Samson and Shreyas Iyer didn’t perform to their best in the three-match T20I series Down Under, which would allow the two MI stars to sneak into the T20I setup.
“Let’s be honest, they are not that far. Because Samson got a chance but he could not make use of that. Shreyas Iyer is also going 50-50, his Australian tour has not been that great, in fact I will call it a slightly disappointing tour.”
However, at the same time, he believes that the two must not get too carried away with their performance from the past two seasons and must continue to dominate the 2021 IPL season to get a look in.
“I don’t think both of them are too far but if they have another good IPL, which they had in IPL 2020 and if even the 2021 edition goes good, then you will definitely see them play international cricket,” he said.
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