Suresh Raina, who announced his retirement from international cricket minutes after MS Dhoni on August 15, is CSK’s highest run-getter and has featured in all ten seasons of the IPL that the franchise has been a part of. Raina is also the second highest-run scorer of IPL, only behind India captain Virat Kohli. The left-hander has been instrumental in CSK’s successful runs in the IPL, being the main stalwart in the middle order. However, it came as a huge blow to the franchise when he decided to return back home citing ‘personal reasons’.
Reacting for the first time ever since senior batsman Suresh Raina decided to pull out of IPL 2020 and flew back to India, Chennai Super Kings owner and former BCCI president N Srinivasan on Sunday stated that the left-hander will regret his decision and would want to come back.
“The season has not begun yet and Raina will certainly realise what he is missing and certainly all the money (a salary of 11 crores per season) he is going to lose,” Srinivasan told Outlook as quoted by Hindustan Times.
Some reported that Raina may have returned home due to the demise of his paternal uncle, a few others claimed that the CSK squad members testing COVID-positive made him insecure about his own health. There were some reports also suggesting that the left-hander wanted a similar room like CSK captain MS Dhoni. However, the exact reason still remains unknown.
The CSK owner explained that he won’t force anyone to stay back if they are unhappy and seem to suggest that players should not get carried away by their success.
“My thinking is that if you are reluctant or not happy, go back. I don’t force anyone to do anything ... sometimes success gets into your head,” he further said.
Srinivasan also confirmed that MS Dhoni has spoken to the franchise's players through a Zoom call, to affirm their safety.
"I spoke to MS and he has assured me that even if the numbers go up, there was nothing to worry. He spoke to the players through a Zoom call and asked them to remain safe. You really don't know who is a passive carrier."
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