After months of speculation, the BCCI have confirmed that Bengaluru-based Edu-tech firm 'Unacademy' will serve as the official partner of the Indian Premier League until the 2022 edition of the tournament. The news comes just weeks after the tournament announced Fantasy Giant Dream11 as its official title sponsor for the forthcoming edition of the competition after incumbents VIVO pulled out due to rising political turmoil between India and China.
In an official release, IPL chairman Brijesh Patel confirmed the news and stated that he believes that Unacademy ‘can create a huge positive impact on the aspirations of the audience watching’ the tournament.
"We are pleased to have Unacademy on board as the 'Official Partner' of the Indian Premier League 2020 to 2022," IPL chairman Brijesh Patel said in a release, reported Times Now.
"IPL is the most-watched cricket league in India and as a homegrown Indian Edu-tech company we believe that Unacademy can create a huge positive impact on the aspirations of the audience watching, especially the millions of Indian youth who are seeking inspiration in their careers."
Meanwhile, giving his thoughts on the brand new association, Karan Shroff, VP - Marketing, Unacademy said that the firm were delighted to strike a partnership with IPL and revealed that the company’s aim was to make ‘Unacademy the biggest brand in the consumer internet space in India’.
“We are delighted to become the Official Partner of IPL. Unacademy is a high-intensity brand that has disrupted the education and learning market with innovations and broken geographical barriers for Learners and Educators.
"With this partnership, we will double-down on our efforts to make Unacademy the biggest brand in the consumer internet space in India. We thank the BCCI and IPL for the opportunity and look forward to a long and fruitful partnership,” Karan Shroff said.
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