A Chennai Super Kings documentary titled “Roar of the Lion”, which was released prior to IPL 2018, displayed the true extent of MS Dhoni’s affinity towards the CSK franchise as, in the wake of the club vying a comeback into the IPL after it had been banned for two years from partaking in the tournament, the wicket-keeper batsman delivered a moving speech which captured the emotions of CSK fans. Despite having ‘forcefully’ represented the Rising Pune Supergiant franchise for two seasons, Dhoni, at heart, has remained a one-club man, having played no less than 10 seasons donning CSK’s yellow jersey.
Dhoni’s leadership - 3 IPL titles; 100% success in qualifying for play-offs - has also been integral to CSK becoming one of the most successful teams in the IPL and his aura has seen him earn the blind trust of the club’s management. Thus, ahead of the 2020 edition of the IPL, which will be Dhoni’s 11th representing CSK, the club CEO Kasi Viswanathan has claimed that he won’t be surprised to see the incumbent skipper carry on even until 2022, thereby hinting that the club might retain the Jharkhand man in the next mega auction.
"We don't worry about him at all. Yes. We can expect MS Dhoni to be part of both (IPL 2020 and 2021) and probably for even the next year, 2022,” Viswanathan told India Today.
IPL 2020 is primed to be Dhoni’s comeback to professional cricket, with the 39-year-old not having played a single game of cricket since India’s World Cup clash versus New Zealand in July 2019, and Viswanathan said that he has blind faith in Dhoni taking care of both himself and the team, ahead of the tournament.
"I am getting updates through the media only, saying he has been training in Jharkhand in indoor nets. But we don't have to worry about the skipper, boss. We don't worry about him at all. He knows his responsibilities and he will take care of himself and the team."
A TOI report, meanwhile, revealed that CSK are planning to carry a total of 10 net bowlers to the UAE for the 13th edition of the IPL. The team is also expected to practice in Chepauk for four days, starting August 16, before flying to the UAE on August 21.
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