Initially known as a hot-head who hogged the limelight due to his heated exchange with Narayan Jagadeesan in the Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL), Tamil Nadu spinner R Sai Kishore’s career has seen a meteoric rise over the past couple of years and in the 2019/20 Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy, the left-arm spinner ended as the highest wicket-taker with 20 wickets to his name.
Consistent performances in the domestic circuit meant that CSK came calling for him in the IPL auction and after being purchased for his base price of 20 lakh, the youngster has spent his time bowling in practice to the likes of MS Dhoni, Suresh Raina and Ambati Rayudu.
Speaking to Cricbuzz, Sai Kishore revealed how he became more confident after bowling to champion batsmen like Raina and Dhoni and how he’s been using the ongoing extended break to hone his skills as a spinner.
"After bowling to the likes of Rayudu, Vijay, Raina and Dhoni - all of whom are good players of spin, you become more confident of your skills. This break has given me time to hone it, like an exam that has been delayed by three months. I have a basic facility to practice my bowling on my terrace,” Sai Kishore told Cricbuzz.
A complete cancellation of the IPL would not only mean a missed opportunity for youngsters like Sai Kishore to spend time and test themselves against the absolute best, but also a significant blow in terms of finances.
The 23-year-old revealed that he was planning to use the IPL money to upgrade the facility he’s currently training in, but admitted that none of it mattered now. The Tamil Nadu spinner stated that being able to get on with the livelihood on a day-to-day basis was a luxury in itself during these times of turmoil.
"I've trained there since childhood, I still continue to use it extensively. Getting more bowling machines, better nets, etc. would help the others training there as well. It is disappointing but in the current situation, the lives that we're living - of safety and with food on our plates - is a life of luxury. We cannot be complaining, it's time we look beyond just ourselves."
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