Controversy's favourite child, Umar Akmal's troubling career, on Monday, suffered a massive roadblock as the Pakistan Cricket Board found him guilty of two charges that were initially announced back on March 20. The case first judged by the PCB disciplinary panel but they gave him the option of going to the anti-corruption tribunal.
However, the former wicket-keeper opted to forego the right to a hearing before the anti-corruption tribunal. So, the decision of not appealing resulted in the sanctions of Justice Fazal-e-Miran Chauhan, the disciplinary committee chairman, imposed on him, remaining valid.
The 29-year-old was provisionally suspended on February 17 as the PCB withdrew him from the PSL 2020 and later formally charged on March 20 for breaches of Article 2.4.4 which deals with failing to disclose to the PCB Vigilance and Security Department (without unnecessary delay) full details of any approaches or invitations received by the participant to engage in Corrupt Conduct under this Anti-Corruption Code".
Akmal had a hugely controversial career and has had a number of catfights with the authorities over the years. There have been cases of him being banned or fined for more than 10 times with multiple breaches of code of conduct. Before the charge of fixing allegations, he was reprimanded for inappropriate behaviour at a fitness test and was also fined for breaking the team curfew during the Test series against Australia in Dubai in mid 2018.
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