After Bengal stunned Karnataka in the semi-finals to reach the Ranji Trophy final after 13 years, there was a hope in the Bengal office. But their dream to lift the title for the first time since 1989-90 remained unfulfilled due to a top-order batting failure and Saurashtra claimed their maiden crown on the basis of a first-innings lead. In order to be in the race and have an adequate understanding of the next year's plans, CAB president Avishek Dalmiya revealed that their batting consultant VVS Laxman will impart batting knowledge through online classes.
"I spoke to our batting consultant VVS Laxman today. We will share the footage and clippings from the video analyst and there will be one-on-one sessions on how to improve further. Focus will also be given especially to the top-order batsmen so that performance can be better next season," CAB president Avishek Dalmiya told PTI.
The newly-appointed president further added that the team video analyst Gautam Sarkar is currently analysing the video footage of the last season and the online sessions with Laxman will start in a few days' time.
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