After retiring from the shortest version of the game, the Bengal medium-pacer was looking forward to resuming her preparation with the domestic One-day tournament. However, plans didn't go her way as the BCCI had to cancel the remaining matches of the season due to the unprecedented Coronavirus situation. Jhulan believes that things will improve in the future but added that it was lost time for her.
"The BCCI had scheduled the domestic T20 meets to prepare for the T20 World Cup in Australia. So a delayed start to the one-day meets was on cards, but unfortunately, the tournaments had to be cancelled. It was quite a setback as I was looking forward to playing some competitive cricket before our next international engagement. The need of the hour is to keep ourselves safe. There will be many matches to play after we get past this phase," Jhulan told Times of India.
However, the situation has also forced the players to be locked down in their own houses with some of them taking new skills. Due to the fact that Goswami has given holidays to her cook, she has started to take up culinary skills in her free time.
"I have asked my cook to stay at home. So, I have to fix lunch and dinner for myself," Jhulan said.
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