Former Indian pacer Ashish Nehra opened up admitting that under the leadership of MS Dhoni, Yuvraj was in an impeccable form, including winning two World Cups. In the 2011 World Cup, it was the southpaw who scored 362 runs taking India through to the final stage of the tournament. Earlier, Yuvraj had revealed that Sourav Ganguly was the captain who he loved playing under. Nehra, however, admitted that his best came under MS Dhoni, who gave him confidence.
“Yuvraj has played well under MS Dhoni, as far as I have seen Yuvraj’s career, the way he has batted in 2007 and 2008 onwards it has been impeccable,” he said, reported Hindustan Times.
The southpaw was a crucial figure even in the 2007 T20 World Cup win, with his crucial knocks down the order. Added with his left-arm spin, he was a perfect package for the Indian team in the middle-overs. However, since the 2011 World Cup, his form has seen a dip and naturally was frozen out of the squad.
“And in 2011 we saw how he braved his sickness and played brilliantly under Dhoni. I feel every player has their own choice of a favourite captain when they play for 16 years and Yuvraj played well under Dhoni according to me,” he further added.
.'s peak was under the captaincy of __________.
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