The 18th season of India’s domestic one-day tournament has had a gloomy start, with nearly two-thirds of the games in the fixture list so far being washed out. The same was the fate of the games scheduled at the Reliance Stadium (Maharashtra vs Uttar Pradesh), the Darshanam Sports and Education Academy (Odisha vs Haryana), and Punjab vs Vidarbha – the big clash of round three – at the GFSC Cricket Ground in Vadodara on Thursday.
Although al three tosses were delayed earlier this morning, there was still hope that the groundsmen at all three venues could clear the playing area for some length of a match to take place. However, one by one, confirmations of the matches being called-off came in, with the Odisha-Haryana match the latest victim of the rain gods.
This comes on the back of seven other matches being abandoned on Wednesday – three in Bengaluru without a ball being bowled and four elsewhere being abandoned after play began. Both the Punjab-Himachal and the Delhi-Haryana clashes had completed one innings each.
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