With the deadline drawing close to hold fresh elections as per the new constitution of the BCCI based on the recommendations of the Lodha Panel, the Vidarbha Cricket Association has confirmed it won’t be holding another set of polls. The state was one of the earliest to comply with the Supreme Court-appointed CoA’s directive which asked the units to amend their constitutions as per the new policies and follow it up by conducting elections.
VCA had already held them in December after following the guidelines, in which Anand Jaiswal had been announced as the President for a period of three years.
“We are fully compliant (with regard to Lodha reforms) and we held the elections (in accordance with that),” a senior official said, reported Sportstar.
The national level elections of the BCCI will be held on the 22nd of October with each state unit sending in its representatives and being entitled to vote in the same.
“We will be meeting in a couple of days to finalise that name,” the official added.
Meanwhile, the Mumbai Cricket Association has announced it would be asking for legal advice after the CoA had asked them to appoint a new electoral officer and hold elections before the 28th of September.Bureaucrat D N Chaudhary had refused to serve in the capacity stating it would be in violation of Supreme Court’s order passed last year in July but the committee has expressed disagreement with the same and non-compliance would mean the MCA loses its voting right in the BCCI polls.
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