Tamil Nadu have named a star-studded 16-man squad for the upcoming Vijay Hazare Trophy, with national stars Washington Sundar, Vijay Shankar, Murali Vijay Dinesh Karthik all named in the team. Veteran wicket-keeper batsman Karthik will lead the side, while all-rounder Shankar has been named the vice-captain. Baba Indrajith and IPL sensation Varun Chakravarty are notable absentees from the squad due to injuries. Indrajith captained TN in the Ranji Trophy last season.
Meanwhile, G Periyaswamy, who caught the attention of fans with his 'Malinga-esque' bowling in the Tamil Nadu Premier League, has also been left out from the squad. The pace attack comprises K Vignesh, T Natarajan, M Mohammed, Abhishek Tanwar and J Kousik, while Sundar, Murugan Ashwin and R Sai Kishore constitute a strong and versatile spin trio. Batsman M. Shahrukh Khan has also been named in the squad as a standby till Vijay joins the team, as the 35-year-old is currently plying his trade in the county circuit with Somerset.
The Vijay Hazare Trophy will commence from September 24.
Squad: Dinesh Karthik (captain), Vijay Shankar (vice-captain), Abhinav Mukund, M Vijay, B Aparajith, M Ashwin, M S Washington Sundar, R Sai Kishore, N Jagadeesan, T Natarajan, K Vignesh, M Mohammed, M Siddharth, Abhishek Tanwar, C Hari Nishaanth, J Kousik.
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