After a stand was unveiled after Kohli's name on Thursday at Feroz Shah Kotla stadium, by the Delhi Cricket Association, which was renamed as Arun Jaitley stadium as well, ex-captain Kapil Dev heaped praises on the current India captain saying that he never expected that somebody could come close to the standard set by Sachin Tendulkar.
"Kohli has to go a long way. It is not right to talk about him in the middle of his career. But what he has given to us is unparalleled. Never expected that somebody can come close to Sachin Tendulkar whom we think is the ultimate but Kohli has taken the game to a different level," Dev was quoted saying by Kapil Dev.
Further on, the 60-year-old that Arun Jaitley, the former president of the Delhi & District Cricket Association (DDCA), deserves this honour through and through and more considering the amount he has done for the game.
"I think whatever they do, this is not enough for him. He has done so much for cricket. I personally feel very happy about that, what they are doing, because he has the knowledge about the game. I just want to thank Delhi Cricket Association," he said.
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