According to the BCCI, India's Nitin Menon, who is the son of former international umpire Narendra Menon, followed his father's footsteps and became a state panel umpire for Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association in 2005. He has represented Madhya Pradesh in U-16, U-19, U-23 and List A matches, cleared the All India Umpiring Exam conducted by the BCCI in 2006 and started officiating in domestic matches from the 2007-08 season.
Besides his experience in first-class cricket, Nitin has also officiated in 22 one-day internationals, nine T20Is and 40 Indian Premier League (IPL) matches. An enraptured Nitin Menon, whose goal was to become an ICC Elite Panel Umpire, has thanked the Indian board for the support and faith shown in him.
"The reason behind my smooth transition to international cricket is mainly because of the robust, competitive and professional structure of the BCCI domestic matches," he was quoted as saying by the BCCI.
"The experience that I gained from officiating in our domestic tournaments and the opportunity given to me by the BCCI for officiating in the IPL as well as in first-class matches in Australia, England and South Africa as part of Umpires Exchange Program has helped me in my development as an umpire," Nitin said.
"I am happy to repay the trust shown in me and looking forward to facing the new challenges of Test cricket so that I can achieve my goal of becoming an ICC Elite Panel Umpire," he added.
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