According to Delhi police sources, as per a News18 report, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has received an anonymous letter which states skipper Kohli is on the threat list of a Kerala-based terror group called All India Lashkar. The NIA has forwarded the letter to the BCCI following which the board has asked Delhi Police to strengthen the security of the players and the stadium.
The sources also shared that the letter claims that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Ram Nath Kovind, Home Minister Amit Shah, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) stalwart Lal Krishna Advani, BJP working President J.P. Nadda and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat are on the threat list along with Kohli.
India is scheduled to play Bangladesh at the Arun Jaitley Stadium on November 3, but first air pollution and now the terror threat have posed grave problems in the smooth organisation of the game. The Air Quality Index of Delhi is in the late 300s after Diwali, which are termed as “severe” and might affect the health of the players of both the teams.
The sources have also gone on to say that the letter might be a hoax, but given the heightened threat perception, the board is taking no chances as security reviews of the match venue and individual players are already underway.
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