The former Indian captain Sourav Ganguly was unanimously selected as the presidential candidate by the members of the Board of Cricket Control of India in a meeting in Mumbai on Sunday. Hailed as the revolutionary captain who revamped Indian cricket, Ganguly is all set to repeat history as he takes charge of the BCCI. Ganguly has said that his prime motive will be to refurbish the governing bodies image which has been tarnished over the years.
"I wasn't aware (of my name announcement) until 10:30 pm yesterday. Even when I became the captain in 2000, there were issues going around. It's always great to be looked at as someone who can do things in difficult situations. It's a very important time in Indian cricket administration, given what's happened in the last three years. There was an emergency situation, which the members have overcome.
"This eight-man team, announced by Rajeev Shukla, will try and get BCCI back in order. To be in a position where I can make a difference along with the team would be extremely satisfying. Hopefully in the next few months, we can put everything in place and bring back normalcy in Indian cricket.
"As a team, we have a lot of things to do. To get administration in order, get the house, the office in order. Cricket on the field has been brilliant. Team has played exceptionally well after the semifinal exit. Good cricket depends on the infrastructure and the backroom work, and it's our job at the back to make sure that everything is in the right frame and position so that the boys can excel," the 47-year-old said.
The left-hander, who has a whopping 7212 runs under his belt in the longest format of the game and over 10,000 runs in ODI cricket, has been re-elected as the president of Cricket Association of Bengal and now will have to relinquish the position.
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