A fan on Saturday, the third day of the ongoing Pune Test, breached security at the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium in Pune and made his way to the field. This has been a popular way amongst the fans to show their affection and respect towards their favourite cricketers. Following this incident, former Indian cricketer Sunil Gravaskar raised his concerned about the security issues such incidents involve.
The fan made his way to Indian opener Rohit Sharma, who was then fielding in the slips and touched his feet. This happened immediately after Senuran Muthusamy’s dismisal in the first session of the day.
"These incidents happen because security people are not watching the crowd but are watching the match. This has been the perennial problem in India. The security is not there to watch the match for free. They are there to stop such interruptions from happening," an angry Gavaskar who was then in the commentary panel said, reported Hindustan Times.
"I say put the camera on the security and check whether they are watching the match or the crowd. This is a dangerous security issue which is what you are there for, to make sure no one goes into the ground. Anyone can cause damage to a player. It has happened in the past, why take a chance," he went on add.
Earlier in this series, a fan made his way to skipper Virat Kohli, in the first Test match of the series in Vizag, and shook hands with him while he also tried to click selfies with the other on-field players.
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