Months after resigning from their posts due to conflict allegations levelled against them in complaints before the BCCI Ethics Officer D K Jain, Tendulkar and Laxman are set to resume their roles in the CAC. The trio, which was entrusted with the task of selecting India’s next coach at that time, was then replaced in July with Kapil Dev, Shantha Rangaswamy, and Anshuman Gaekwad.
“Sachin and Laxman are likely to get back to CAC. The Committee will be formed at Apex Council meeting tomorrow. CAC will take a call on selection committee also,” a top BCCI official told PTI on condition of anonymity.
The BCCI, led by newly-elected president Ganguly, will hold its 88th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday at the BCCI headquarters in Mumbai. Meanwhile, the Apex Council meeting will be the following day to discuss several recommendations from the Indian Cricketers’ Association (ICA), represented by Rangaswamy and Gaekwad.
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