Sanyam Gulati was arrested for allegedly inducing a cricketer to under-perform and facilitate spot-fixing during a game in the 2019 Karnataka Premier League. The Haryanvi bookie claimed that he was functioning as an informer of BCCI’s Anti-Corruption Unit. After being arrested on November 9, Gulati has written to judicial officers in Karnataka and the police officers who are investigating the scandal that the bookie paid 75,000 Rs only to collect evidence for the ACU from the KPL player Bhavesh Gulecha.
The bookie has been alleged to be involved in betting across the world, including the Caribbean Premier League and the Tamil Nadu Premier League claimed Anshuman Upadhyay in the loop about his approaches to KPL players.
“International bookie Sanyam has been arrested. He is a resident of Haryana. He was absconding in the West Indies. An LoC (Look Out Circular) was issued. He is arrested in the case of match-fixing by (celebrity drummer) Bhavesh Bafna,” Bengaluru Crime Branch said according to The Indian Express.
According to the statement by Gulecha, he was offered the prospect of playing in the IPL, and Rs two lakh as cash by Gulati as an inducement. Gulati, on the other hand, in his letter dated on 8th November, claims that he held meetings with players at Upadhyay’s orders.
“I state that Mr Anshuman Upadhyay, the manager of the anti-corruption unit, BCCI, India, having an office at Mumbai, asked/requested me to pass on information about the corrupt practice of match/spot-fixing in cricket matches. Only on the request of the above person I entertained the complainant of this case Bhavesh Gulecha and secured information and forwarded it to Anshuman Upadhyay,” Gulati wrote.
Further, Gulati has also claimed to have met the BCCI’s anti-corruption manager in 2018, when he was at Dindigul during the 2018 TNPL. He also reported about large-scale gambling on TNPL matches during that season.
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