During a practice session on Wednesday morning, Irfan, a net bowler, bowled out the 25-year-old nine times. Later that day, a vision test confirmed that Das could not see the pink ball clearly. According to bdcrictime.com, the stylish right-hander refused to comment on the situation as his team continued their preparations for the historic test.
Das’s news is a major blow to the Bangladesh camp who had dropped opener Saif Hassan from the team on Wednesday due to finger injury. The new concern within the Bangladesh camp was regarding Das’s replacement behind the stump as the visitors try to salvage the two-match series in the Eden Test against India. As it turned out, Das was a part of the Playing XI.
Mushfiqur Rahim, once a full-time wicket-keeper, had made it clear ahead of the series that he wanted to concentrate on batting. This leaves Mohammad Mithun, who had played as a wicket-keeper in Bangladesh’s domestic cricket and for Rangpur Riders in Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) previously, as the lone option, but his lack of familiarity ensured Das was the most viable option.
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