Earlier this month, two players from the Bellary Tuskers team — namely skipper CM Gautam and Abrar Kazhi — were arrested by Karnataka police for allegedly being involved in match-fixing. According to the Central Crime Branch (CCB), the two are accused of spot-fixing in the final their team played against the Hubli Tigers on August 31. The duo was allegedly paid Rs 20 lakhs to bat slowly and also fix another match — against the Bengaluru team.
“We have been conducting internal inquiries and now we are waiting for the police reports also. Inquiries are in a fairly advanced stage. Police reports hopefully would give us additional evidence,” Ajit Singh told ANI.
A major breakthrough in the case was made when the CCB arrested international bookie Sayyam, in the case of match-fixing by celebrity drummer Bhavesh Bafna.
Earlier, Nishanth Singh Shekhawat, Belagavi Panthers team’s owner Ali, Bengaluru Blasters bowling coach Vinu Prasad and batsman Vishwanathan was also arrested by the Karnataka police in connection with the spot-fixing case.
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