Reportedly, an approximate sum of INR 30 crore is spent on an average in these ceremonies and despite it being a part since the star of the leaguet, the BCCI has now decided to do away with it from the franchise-based league. The said decision was taken during a recent IPL governing council meeting, that took place on Tuesday, where several decisions regarding the upcoming editions were taken.
“The opening ceremonies are a waste of money. The cricket fans don’t seem to be interested, and the performers have to be paid a lot,” a BCCI official told the Indian express.
Another major decision that was taken in the meeting, headed by former cricketer Brijesh Patel, was to incorporate a specialised extra umpire in each game who would only focus on monitoring no-balls.
“Last season, several players were given out and later recalled when replays showed the bowlers had overstepped. The idea is to reduce errors and controversies,” an official revealed.
The next IPL auction will be held in Kolkata on December 19.
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