The Indian Express reported that 29-year-old batsman Nishant Shekhawat was allegedly involved in fixing matches in the Karnataka Premier League by acting as an intermediary role between bookie Manoj Kumar alias Monty, and Bengaluru Blasters bowling coach Vinu Prasad. Prasad was arrested alongside Blasters batsman M Viswanathan in late October for the involvement in corrupt activity.
Shekhawat, who was a player with the Shivamogga Lions franchise in 2018, allegedly lured Viswanathan into a fix with the help of Prasad during the 2018 season. As per the Express report, the police discovered Viswanathan being tasked with scoring fewer than ten runs in 20 balls in a game against Hubli Tigers. He allegedly confirmed participation by changing bats and rolling up his sleeves. For the record, Viswanathan made 9 off 17 balls in that innings.
In the ongoing investigation, Shekhawat is the fifth man and second player to be arrested. The process was set into the roll with the arrest of Ali Asfak Thara and the suspension of his franchise Belagavi Panthers last month. Drummer Bhavesh Bafna is the other person who was arrested and is being monitored by the BCCI's anti-corruption unit since he also played the drums during Royal Challengers Bangalore's home games at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium.
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